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热门动漫推荐:野良神 | 重装武器 | 画江湖之灵主 | 精灵梦叶罗丽4 | 元气勇者3 | 疯狂动物城


月丹  2018-02-08 17:46:29  手机版




  吉祥如意常相伴 好运年年连

  满面春风笑开颜 幸福快乐每一天


  万事如意太平年 春风得意桃花开满园

  梦想成真实现心愿 喜乐年华美好永远


  恭喜你 恭喜你 恭喜发财一万年

  招财进宝福星高照 广进财源

  祝福你 祝福你 祝福你万事如意


  一帆风顺 前程似锦

  二龙腾飞 星光无限

  三阳开泰 吉祥好运

  四季平安 健康永远

  五福临门 幸福美满

  六六大顺 七星高照

  八方来财 九九同心

  十全十美 快乐永远

  万事如意太平年 春风得意桃花开满园

  梦想成真实现心愿 喜乐年华美好永远


  恭喜你 恭喜你 恭喜发财一万年

  招财进宝福星高照 广进财源

  祝福你 祝福你 祝福你万事如意


  (过年啦 恭喜发财一万年 恭喜发财一万年)

  恭喜你 恭喜你 恭喜发财一万年

  招财进宝福星高照 广进财源

  祝福你 祝福你 祝福你万事如意


  (送福啦 拜年啦 祝大家新年快乐)

  吉祥如意 满面春风 幸福快乐 万事如意

  吉祥如意 满面春风 幸福快乐 万事如意

  吉祥如意 满面春风 幸福快乐 万事如意


  (for the new year)

  Good luck often accompanied by good luck even every year

  Shine with happiness happy happy every day

  (a good fortune to a health newspaper)

  Good luck in everything too Pingnian brilliance Peach Blossom Garden

  Dream come true, wish joy and joy forever

  (wish you a happy family reunion)

  Congratulations on your congratulations on your ten thousand year of congratulations

  Born under a lucky star wide into the felicitous wish of making money.

  Bless you and bless you with all the best wishes

  Happy year safe

  Everything is going smoothly. Qianchengsijin

  Literally infinite stars

  Good luck The spring comes in full form.

  Peace and health in the four seasons

  Five blessings descend upon the house of happiness

  66: good luck

  Eight parties get money and 99 concentric

  Perfect and happy forever

  Good luck in everything too Pingnian brilliance Peach Blossom Garden

  Dream come true, wish joy and joy forever

  Wish you a happy family reunion

  Congratulations on your congratulations on your ten thousand year of congratulations

  Born under a lucky star wide into the felicitous wish of making money.

  Bless you and bless you with all the best wishes

  Happy year safe

  (ten thousand years of congratulations and good fortune for ten thousand years)

  Congratulations on your congratulations on your ten thousand year of congratulations

  Born under a lucky star wide into the felicitous wish of making money.

  Bless you and bless you with all the best wishes

  Happy year safe

  I wish you a happy new year.

  Good luck shine with happiness happiness good luck in everything

  Good luck shine with happiness happiness good luck in everything

  Good luck shine with happiness happiness good luck in everything


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